
What I want to do after graduation

Short Term Goals

In the short term, my primary objective is to successfully complete my diploma in graphic and web design. Following this achievement, I am contemplating entering the workforce or pursuing higher education at the university level. If I opt for employment, I intend to explore opportunities within the industry, seeking positions with companies or firms in search of talented designers. Conversely, should I decide to further my education, my focus will be on studying either visual arts or marketing to broaden my knowledge and expertise for diverse roles.
While my immediate goal is to commence work at the earliest opportunity, I am determined not to confine myself exclusively to graphic design. I aspire to maintain flexibility in my career, allowing room for exploration and adaptation. Considering this, I find the prospect of obtaining a marketing certificate intriguing. The allure lies in its potential to complement my graphic design skills and provide a foundational understanding of marketing principles.
I firmly believe that an early entry into the industry will accelerate the development of my skills and knowledge. It offers the advantage of promptly applying what I’ve learned and establishing a presence to cultivate a favorable professional reputation. This strategic approach aims to create a scenario where I can enjoy a more stable professional life without the perpetual need to seek new clientele.
In the immediate future, I am keen on securing at least a part-time summer job to enhance my skills and accumulate practical experience. This experience will serve as a pivotal factor in deciding whether to continue my education or enter the workforce full-time. Currently, my focus is on making pragmatic decisions that align with my present circumstances, allowing me to navigate my career path effectively.

About my Career Plan

Career Path

My envisioned career path revolves around marketing, where I can immerse myself in designing elements like publicity, advertisements, and engaging in photo retouching—a field that particularly captivates me. My curiosity led me to discover that institutions such as UQAM have dedicated full-time employees engaged in photo retouching and file management across various services. This insight fueled my interest in exploring this niche further, prompting me to delve deeper into potential opportunities.
While I am open to diverse career paths, my primary fascination lies in working for a firm or company, specifically within the realm of marketing—an area where I feel both intrigued and proficient. The prospect of contributing to the creation of impactful marketing materials aligns with my interests and skills.
Considering the trajectory of my career, I contemplate the possibility of freelancing in the future. However, I acknowledge the inherent risks associated with this venture, given the competitive landscape and oversaturation in the design field. The idea of an inconsistent income is a concern, and currently, I prioritize the stability of a steady paycheck. Yet, as I settle into life and accumulate experience, I am open to exploring freelancing, driven by a desire to diversify my experiences and embrace new challenges.
Looking ahead, the notion of potentially starting my own company is intriguing. Witnessing my cousin embark on this entrepreneurial journey has made me contemplate the prospect. While acknowledging the challenges, I see it as an enriching experience that, if successful, could be passed down or sold in the later stages of my career.
In essence, my career aspirations center around variety and exploration. I envision a dynamic professional journey that spans different facets of the industry, ensuring a broad skill set that allows me to contribute meaningfully and assist a diverse range of individuals and businesses.



My Professional Interests

In the short term, my primary objective revolves around the successful completion of my diploma in graphic and web design, marking a significant milestone in my professional journey. The ensuing decision-making juncture involves a crucial choice between entering the workforce and furthering my education at the university level. If the path of employment beckons, I am eager to explore opportunities within the industry, seeking positions with companies or firms on the lookout for adept designers. Conversely, should I opt for higher education, my focus will shift towards studying either visual arts or marketing, aiming to broaden my knowledge and expertise for a spectrum of roles.

While my immediate goal is to dive into the professional arena expeditiously, I am resolute in avoiding confinement solely to graphic design. I harbor aspirations of a flexible career trajectory, allowing room for exploration and adaptation. In line with this vision, the prospect of obtaining a marketing certificate captivates me, envisioning its potential to synergize with my graphic design skills and furnish a foundational understanding of marketing principles.

I staunchly believe that an early foray into the industry will catalyze the development of my skills and knowledge. This approach affords the advantage of promptly applying acquired knowledge, establishing a presence, and cultivating a favorable professional reputation. This strategic outlook aims to construct a scenario wherein I can enjoy a more stable professional life without the perpetual need to actively seek new clientele.

In the immediate future, I am ardently focused on securing at least a part-time summer job, a stepping stone to enhance my skills and amass practical experience. This hands-on encounter serves as a pivotal factor in the decision-making process regarding whether to continue my education or transition into full-time employment. At present, my emphasis lies on making pragmatic decisions that align with my current circumstances, affording me the flexibility to navigate my career path effectively.


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